Sunday, December 23, 2007

WISHING YOU PEACE AND GOODWILL - (and lots of quilting time!)

Pieceful wishes for a happy and safe holiday season - best wishes from a non-consumer this year and every year and hopes that your creative juices flow into your quilts this coming New Year!!
Personally, I am giving gift certificates from this year - an organization that enables you and I to loan to people wishing to develope their businesses in third world countries through local ngo's specializing in microfinance.
I have been reading many blogs lately and am inspired by them to bust stash and use it in "my time" quilts every weekend, leaving the week days to my commissioned work - it's time now to do something for my own creative urges rather channeling them all into commissioned quilts. You will be hearing from me and seeing these quilts that are bubbling to the surface - I look forward to communicating with you all and taking my example from your creativity!
Janet in beautiful coastal Nova Scotia

1 comment:

Emily said...

Hi Janet,

Thanks for the link to! Very interesting concept! Will explore it more later. DH is calling!